Spooky experiences...share them here

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Vassili Zaitsev
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Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Vassili Zaitsev » Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:06 am

This may be a start of very exciting thread of everyone in IFG and may be it can turn up to a bit scary too. I would like to request my beloved IFG members to share their personal spooky or scary experiences here while in travel or shootings or have you ventured some spooky places on your own.

Some para normal experiences or may be some incidents for which you never got any explanations.

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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Sat Dec 09, 2017 3:01 pm

A totally new thread, Thanks Vassili Zaitsev .
I am sure many of our jungle lover friends have same or other type of experiences which can't be explained in a logical way. I am a science graduate and my parents taught me to check every thing with logic and reason before believe into it. That is the reason I am always ready to believe the things which I can see and check by my own but I have faced some incidents Which is still not clear to me and there is nothing which I can say is a visible abnormality but you can feel that every thing is not normal in that place.

In Jungles some areas are avoided by local people as they said that those areas are controlled by bad or harmful entities. If we insisted them to go in those areas then they simply answer " As we don't like a unwanted guest in our land, its same for these entities & they also don't like any one to step in their area".

one of such area is within few km from one of our farm. Its an area by the side of a hill river near Pathar Bhata. A large area is densely covered with thorn and bamboo shrubs. On the River side a Thin sandy patch is in between the water line and the shore but being rumored as quick sand area, no one dares to check. at the middle of the shrub area is some ruins. As per the locals there was a Indigo process plant ( Nil kothi) long back may be in 18th century. it was burnt down by locals in protest of forced indigo Cultivation. After that during the WWII Brit and Tommy group were set up a sort of trauma recovery center for seriously injured soldiers returning from Burma campaign, just next to those ruins. It was a vast structure as the remaining of the buildings proves the story. but due to high mortality rates, within a year the camp was shifted to some unknown location in saraikela Area. In recent years a person has taken that area in lease for some stone Crusher plant and Brick Plant but that chap was murdered . This area is never ventured by the locals. they say that this area is cursed. most strange thing is, I myself go to these ruins to satisfy my curiosity and I also never see any sort of animals or Birds in that area not even the butterflies. usually the shrub areas are one of the most favored place by jackals, Rabbits, boars etc and Off course birds.
The Only presence of life is a lot of ant mounds and cricket bugs with continuous chorus even at day time. Though I saw a lot of weaver birds nest on the opposite side of the river but this area is totally empty of life.
one other area is a deep Valley, in an un named forest area in Jharkhand orissa Boarder. Just few KM from Kurumdih Village. As per the locals its the place of a Tribal God Who is the god of after life. Locals never go in that area and remour is, when a wild animal realizes that its end time is near. that poor soul go in that valley to die in peace. At the bottom of that valley some deep rocky water bodies present with full of fish but no one ever try to harm them. and In general that area is empty of Birds and other living creatures.

At both the places, when you are in.. its like you may feel that you are closed in a Cold and humid box. no strong wind is passing. no Bird no Butterflies, no Animals. The feeling itself is not joyful. May be I am not able to describe it properly but you can feel that there is something not ok with this place.

here I would like to clear one thing that these incidents must have some logical explanation and I myself is not a hard line paranormal believer but till now I am not able to figure out the strange behavior of animals in a particular area. there are many such places which should be Explored properly but At the same time I do respect the Local Culture and don't want to spoil the sanity of the Place for which they have some type of feelings so decided not to interfere in these sort of matters.



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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Sam Kunal » Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:25 pm

Shivaji , It is a really spooky experience. Even in my maternal village it is prohibited to roam in some parts of the village even in daytime ,especially near the rivers and some field areas. We are warned not to take a certain route especially when alone. Once I was roaming in the distant fields with a kid from the village, I entered a patch of small trees thinking it was a shortcut. I started feeling uneasy and cold even in noon. I felt I should not be there . The kid shouted to get out from that place as it was an abode of particular ancestral gods and no one can enter just like that. I hurriedly returned home and swore never to pass through that patch again.

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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Vassili Zaitsev » Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:13 am

@Shivaji, is the name of the God of afterlife is Pashang mara? I knew some incidents of this Tribal God of afterlife and under world. He n his companies come out only when there are some disturbance to the local Jungle peace. His stories are quite interesting n scary too.

Both write ups gave me Goosebumps..I am currently at Leeds and one of my colleague cum friend can experience souls at home or living spaces. In few occasions he came to visit few of our friend's place and he expressed discomfort and initially we didn't understood. Later he explained that presence of spirits are quite common for him. He see them as a cut out of a figure. Its two dimensions figure. Mostly they are worried or surprised about our presence at their place or zone. Mostly these houses were their ancestral place or grave yards or may be they just captured those places as they were empty for a long time.
In one of the occasion we were visiting a friends place at Bradford and as soon as we entered the house, he got a serious electric shock..n then he explained the presence of some entity at that place. He went on searching..but couldn't find any thing.
Later we went out for dinner and when we came back then suddenly he became transfixed looking at a sofa in the entrance of the house. He said a black guy is sitting on it completely relaxed and enjoying the space. He has no mood to leave that place.
As soon as my friend n that guy met the spirit was trying to hide but my friend knows some really strong mantras and he could capture him within a area of that property away from the family areas and after few days my friend visited that house again and confirmed that spirit left the house.
In office too sometimes he will look at some vacant spaces and will speak in himself...some times it is full office or half empty. I asked him n he said he see them quite often.

Recently we were all invited a friend place for dinner and i was cooking s special dish and this guy was not leaving me alone in kitchen. I thought may be he is enjoying the warmth of kitchen as this year Leeds us really cold. But later he explained me that he saw few entities at kitchen door and was standing there till they leave. He said they don't live there but more of transit passage of them..and that kitchen door area unfortunately is a part of it..
Looking forward to hear from others..
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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:58 am

"Vassili Zaitsev" Your Experience is really Thrilling. Never faced such situations though heard a lot about English country sides are dotted with hunted houses and in few of them the present residents living peacefully with the supernatural powers.

To me,the name Pasang Mara is not known to me. but the name can change from area to area, it is a common trend. The same deity may known by different names in different areas. Here the place I mention is feared as an adobe of "Dadro marang pichak" or marang pichak in local mentions. Actually no one wants to spell these names due to their rudimentary beliefs and as we are mere visitors so can't force them for more details.

As I told Earlier that I myself have never seen any Object or Figure or any sort of visuals which I can mention but If you visit the Jungle area frequently then you get accustomed with the jungles natural mood and sounds. its almost same at all the places. If at any area that tone is interrupted then it will give a sting in your mind. The sudden change will force you to think what is missing and why. Its the Feeling which will raise the alarm inside of you.

This must have some logical and scientifically accepted explanation but that is yet not known to me.

Added in 2 minutes 21 seconds:
Its almost the same thing mentioned by SAM KUNAL. why the certain areas are prohibited and what happen if some one goes through these areas are a matter of debate and discussion.


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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Vassili Zaitsev » Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:31 am

ROTFL ROTFL Not much of responses. Thanks Shivaji n Sam. There are no logical explanations of what my friend observed. He frequently observes the spirits and he says they are like a cut out and 2 dimensional.
Off late I read there are many people who experience such entities.
Another incident he said to me goes like this...he stays in Mumbai n once he and his colleagues went to Ali Baug a beach area nearby to Mumbai.
It is few hours drive from Mum and people flock there for long weekends.
So he went with his friends and they stayed in sea facing bungalow. As usual they had few drinks and food. My friend he doesn't drink or smoke..and he is more of a "Chakna Chor" a guy who steals the nonveg n veg starters
After few drinks sessions the group members wanted to go to sea in night and take a dip in the water. He tried to stop them but they didn't listen to him. After sometime he also has to accompany them...and much for their safety he went with them. People are not aware of such power he possess.
A dog which was from the guest house came with them too. Soon they came out in the beach and far from the guesthouse. That was moonlit night and the beach was looking mystic and beautiful. Waves were rough and touching the shores with much power and glory.
Soon they came far and the guest house was looking like a small hut and it's lights were looking small..
After sometime they came near to water and dog suddenly started barking looking at the sea..it looked little scared too and it was growling. It came back to my friend and then my friend saw in the sea there were 6 person standing in knee deep water. They were facing the crowd and holding hands and made a human chain. All of them are smiling invitingly as they were waiting and looking towards the on coming crowds.
My friend immediately saw those 6 entities in the sea..and he said in that moonlit night and cold breeze of the sea made him really scared as he looked to the smiling faces of those entities.

He stopped his drunk gang before they could enter the sea and said the guest house owner is calling them for dinner.
The dog went back and actually bought the owner from the house. Owner came running and told them that he was waiting for them with dinner and the dog went and started barking loud so he grew suspicion and saw this gang missing and soon he realized where they can go and that this place is not quite safe to venture out at night as now the time of high tide too.
They went back and imagine out of such discussions those 6 entities were still standing as a human chain with a smiling face. Only my Friend could see them and that dog could sense them.
They left the place and my friend still saw them standing in water.once reached guest house then my friend couldn't see them any more.
The guest house owner told them next day about few deaths in the sea during high tide n few suicide cases too.
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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Mon Dec 11, 2017 11:16 am

only a rare handful of people posses such powers to see the things which is invisible to others.


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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:54 am

I recently come to know about some place and hence recall this thread.
This year's sendra festival of ritual hunting was observed in Jharkhand area and recently I was chatting with some fellows took part in that ritual. I have come to know about a place in saranda forest of west singhbhum dist.
The rumours says in 18th century a flourishing village was there deep in the forest. At present day it will be approx 12;km from the Thalkobad locality. They were not in touch with outside world at large. Depending on the vast forest sarrounded them for their living.
Hul/ Santhal rebellion was at its peak on 1855/56. Fearing that this village may join the rebellion and become a safe shelter for the rebels, the local rulers demolished the village and slaughtered its people over night. They use trained elephants as well British forces for this job.
It's now a dense patch of forest. For the locals it's a strict no go area though it's never come in limelight much. People in this area likes their secluded life with their culture and believes. I have not visited that place and do not know the exact location of it but I think that there will be numerous such places if any one try to find out.


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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by marksman » Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:29 am

Lets all get together and spread big time rumors of these kinds for every fertile forest teeming with wildlife to keep the poachers away. One ting that can really work for us especially among Tribals is their various superstitions pertaining to spirits and apparitions. Lets do our bit towards conservation. If spreading it helps our precious wildlife, so be it.


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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:12 pm

That's really a good idea if it works with poachers.

I know one person who was a poacher and used to sale venison when we were kids but last time when I met him few years back he said that he gave up the poaching ( hunting in his version as they do not try to understand why it's illegal to hunt when his forefathers lived and hunt in the same forest) after all the risk and the amount of money poachers received, poaching is not profitable at all now a days. It may be a quick money for someone but not a permanent earning now.

This sort of rumours, folklore and moreover superstition is very common in every rural/ forest areas.

For example nobody spell out snake after the dark in forest area. They rather call it in different names. Same with leopard and some other animals.

I really hope that your suggested method may work in some area but apart from the poaching, deforestation is a major problem and it is bigger than poaching


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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by marksman » Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:24 pm

In the days of yore when tiger hunting was a legal sport, not very long ago maybe in late 60s.My friend with his father who happened to the ruler of a prosperous state sat on a kill in a machan which was right next to river Narmada (MP). Past midnight they heard tremendous and vigorous splashing in the river as if a huge herd, almost 100 or more of wild boars had entered it, which was pretty common those days.. Just out of curiosity they turned and switched on the spot light since they were facing the other way and the splashes seemed within 10 yards of their perch. But surprisingly the water surface all around was pretty calm, even as far as the light could go. To cut the long story short, it happened twice more within 2 hrs. The Father decided to abandon the hunt and signaled with a sharp whistle for the vehicle. He declared and assumed later that some spirit was trying to give strong indications for them to leave the spot and hence the decision. He was no green horn and was an expert at jungle craft with several tigers to his name and also a crack shot with his favorite H&H 375 Double rifle. The tiger in the meanwhile carried off the bait sometime in the late night and was eventually shot in a Haaka after 2 days.


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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Mr.Shome » Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:48 pm

Highly interesting episodes narrated here. Even the legendary Jim Corbett referred to some inexplicable happenings in the jungles. Personally, I experienced quite a few unfathomable things. Sharing just one experience here, witnessed by a friend and me at the same time.

Many years ago, in the late 90s, this friend and I were driving uphill from Doon to Mussoorie. I was driving and both of us saw a Maruti Van (Omni) coming downhill from the bend above us. We reached the bend in seconds and I slowed down for the van to pass. Strangely, it never came. It was a narrow stretch and seems inconceivable that the Van could have reversed uphill or fallen over. Perhaps, there are many regular mundane possibilities, but we were shocked and I like to think of it as a supernatural event.


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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Shivaji.Dasgupta » Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:01 pm

Yes. It's true. Many such incidents and stories will be in free flow if we discuss this with the jungle dwellers. Though the real jungle folks are very few now a days.
I heard a story that the famed elephant catcher Mr. Lalji or Prakritesh Barua of Gauripur royal family himself witnessed few such incidents. He wrote those in his book. I am trying for that book but it's out of print. May be some day I will find it in some library.
One such incident was, he witnessed a man with long hairs and having some sort of bamboo or long stick or some weapon in his hand, riding a herd of wild buffalo driving the wild elephants out of the reach of catchers. This incident was happened in a dark night some where near Bhutan boarder in North east.


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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by Mr.Shome » Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:23 pm

Hope, you find the book soon. Such books often turn out to be treasure troves of information!
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Re: Spooky experiences...share them here

Post by SMJ » Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:56 pm

Interesting thread. I am sure a lot of people have had their share of experiences to add here.

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