depression and difficulties.

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Re: depression and difficulties.

Post by cottage cheese » Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:03 pm

Shutzen... well didn't he claim to have his footprint on several forums...?
Just curious to see if he has made a miserable serial house-fly of himself all over the net :)

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Re: depression and difficulties.

Post by Sujay » Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:18 pm

First my apologies for flogging a dead horse .......

Shutzen's posts left me reeling and I really do not know where to run :x

This guy openly acknowledges that his quest for increase in ammo quota was nothing short of a nightmare, officials deliberately delay the licence and many other wrongdoings ; duly supporting his claims by providing press clippings which scream at the deliberate hurdles placed against shooting sports in India. He is continusously providing proof of the OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE CLAIMS.

(By comparison, Shooter had a cakewalk in getting a shotgun in England.)

But Shutzen is ( ok,was'. ) not ready to accept the sorry state of affairs :!:

Will this mystery will ever be cleared ?
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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:49 pm


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Post by shutzen » Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:36 pm

HI! Folx ! shutzen here -well Mack The Knife has qed ‘d the topic but one last reply was in need and here it is ;)

grumpy " First, you not only can`t spell `hypocrite` but obviously have no idea what it means. “

ANS: Well u English country bumpkin –that’s a typo and we are not in grammar school here – I am sure the meaning has been conveyed loud and clear.
Grumpy “Why is it that you bull sh*tting lying criminals all resort to producing metres of type in apparent justification of your activities ? No one accepts it as `evidence` because it contains no `evidence`........ and no one reads all the garbage anyway”

ANS: Ahh.. temper temper….. CRIMINAL ???? man u gotta see a shrink

sujay " This guy openly acknowledges that his quest for increase in ammo quota was nothing short of a nightmare, officials deliberately delay the licence and many other wrongdoings ; duly supporting his claims by providing press clippings which scream at the deliberate hurdles placed against shooting sports in India. He is continusously providing proof of the OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE CLAIMS. “

ANS: Well sujay those were provided to specifically show the moor penpusher singh (self styled gooru of the ARMS ACT) that his knowledge is just limited to what he can google for. He need to read up at least the complete printed bare act. That post was only to prove that I had a run in with the home secy…. This was when I had shot my first state – and applied for the ammo enhancement – subsequently I won a AIGVM bronze in .22 and my son went on to win a silver in the nationals. Now things are OK as the officers who had the same attitude of their righteous knowledge of the arms act aka kaka sukpreet singh have seen the light and the notifications. The notings the stoopid home secretary had personally made on my file after he saw the news reports did trouble me some as the knaves at the home secys offices had a hard time digesting that how could a persons work be done when the big babu had personally recommended against any further allotments to me – but then the notifications won in the end.

My AIGM at Coimbatore : ... 461700.htm

My sons national silver at 14 yrs. –in his first nationals : a record of sorts :

sujay “But Shutzen is ( ok,was'. ) not ready to accept the sorry state of affairs FPRIVATE "
Will this mystery will ever be cleared ?”

ANS: sure its being cleared right now … I know my rights and try to fight for them in the REAL WORLD – I don’t pontificate in cyberspace and indulge in wishful thinking.

Chk out this scan of a news report : ... eep_bb.jpg

This report pertains to the AIGVM precedind the 49th NSCC Big Bore at Indore. The gentleman whose rifle I had borrowed showed up late in the evening on the practice day as a result I got no practice with the rifle and the next morning fired my match in the first detail and shot 501/600 . This match will always hold a special place in my heart as I was the ONLY person to qualify in the AIGVM. The mqs was 500 and I was the only participant to clear. Subsequently I shot 526/600 in the nationals for 11th rank but as there were only 18 shooters I could not attain renowned status. There was a big hungama at the technical committee at the MQS was reduced to 475 . Now that the top 25 rule has been changed to the new MQS rule I fully endorse and support this move as this will help more shooters – both in their licencing issues and imports so I hope some of the confusion is cleared as to why I am so happy ;)

Inder : But still I will ask you again “WHY YOU MADE THAT COMMENT” Hmmmbut now that you are kicked out from here so unless you don;t wanna come back with another ID you can send answer at inderjeet.b.singh attherate “
ANS: Simple man I call a spade a spade – I also do hobby photography and the least one can do is that his chappals should not show up in his pics- I just commented on what I saw – why does what I saw in the pic trouble u so much ?

Inder: “ At first you were not even ready to reveal your identity and when provoked a little told story of all of your family. Good hai... self discipline and all that...”

ANS: No problem –All that I am telling you is public domain – press publication anyways –I have been coaching my son and with god’s grace he has won Individual medals in three nationals and a senior team medal. I am a self tought shooter and just like to compete and take up a challenge. Our press clippings file is over an inch thick anyways heres some more masala:

50th NSCC senior team prone .22 medal ... ooters.jpg

Last north zone gold : ... thzone.jpg

Chd. State : ... eshoot.jpg

sanjay " Since this is a India centric forum dealing with an extremely sensitive issue,we need a draconian set of rules if we want to make a difference, we should consider putting restrictions on sections that a non member can view,this has it's pros and cons,that the mods need to debate. "

ANS: I think you all feel that the Indian arms act is draconian and restrictive and here we have a ex fauji proporting a draconian set of rules for a web forum ! come on the web dosent work like this – have some leeway in cyberspace at least.

ngrewal " Your pretentious attitude and arrogance reflects on your upbringing that in reality you are a typical “kakaji” - privileged have it all spoilt brat and who has access to get into any list. “
ANS: well the KAKAJI tab certainly fits penpusher – All the lists I had /have acess to were earned the hard way – I deserve to be there due to performance not privilege.

ngrewal “For a budding shooter to shun advise on gun smithy and tips was beyond me but its evident now your objective is to get on that qualified hit list,”

ANS: The budding shooter was being told by ppl about guns & ammo which are not used by shooters in the competition specific environment we were talking about. As if that wasn’t enough the moor penpusher went on to delete parts of the posts linking to the manufacturers achievements pages. Yes every shooters who competes wants to be on the list and if I could get there the hard way then why should I not be there when things have been made a lot easier by the powers that be ???

[color=red]Ngrewal : “ just to import a weapon not a gun into India and then boast or strut your weapon. It has nothing to do with shooting as a sport but for other nefarious reasons.You are an example how these new gun rules are going to be circumvented by elites and sport and deserving sportsmen /women are going to suffer."[/color]

ANS: You can keep debating the addressability issue of weapon Vs gun issue to ur hearts content . Yes I will import for betterment of my sport and to be a better competitor. Obviously u have not seen that the comp. rifles have aluminium butt plates and hooks which are very uncomfy without the shooting jacket – the comp rifle is a precision rifle and very heavy – besides most ppl keep em safe in boxes between the range sessions and the comps – we aint talking two bit hunting rifles here that I need to strut around with. NO rules are going to be circumvented because the renowned status will only be for those who earn it – If I earn it I deserve it so just take it easy.

I would seriously suggest that those of the members who are serious should think of joining your state associations and start training. If the opportunity is there its for those who grab it . If however you think your being a member or listening to the mods will force a change in the Indian rules – Think again cuz that aint gonna happen. I maneka Gandhi ever comes back to power even ur airguns will be licenced and airgun imports banned like they were when she had gone berserk last time so just grab the moment and best of luck to all who take the chance.

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Re: depression and difficulties.

Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:04 pm

HI! Folx ! shutzen here -well Mack The Knife has qed ‘d the topic but one last reply was in need and here it is.
I thought you were done with IndiansforAIRGUNS and all the other names you saw fit to call this site.

Technically I am supposed to delete your new account and post but I am not going to do it. However, this will be your last chance. I do believe you have something to offer this forum but loose the chip on the shoulder asap. The choice is yours.

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Post by Sakobav » Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:15 am

Its fair to have shutzen alias xx whatever post.

State shooting members nationals ranking been there, done that and there are far more experienced and reputed shooters on this board and journeymen who know the sytem and grind.

Last and least - Anonymity on internet brings out best and worst just because of false security that none of any outrageous comments can be traced back to you. I doubt anybody would make such kind of irresponsible verbal remarks in person let alone threaten some one without fear of retribution.

Punjab and Chandigarh is a small place it behooves you to hook up with peers for betterment of your technique. A polite sorry goes a long way even Inder tried to explain in his punjabi quote..choice is yours I agree with Mack The Knife thats why I blew my time again on this post ..


Re: depression and difficulties.

Post by penpusher » Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:05 pm

Shutzen/Indian/xring/Sukhdeep Singh,

1.There is no 6 month limit on granting a license.What you have posted is case law.Read the footnote at serial no.2.All the cases pertain to UP.These are court rulings that would help to define provisions of the arms act and rules in similar cases.

2.Re. the increase in quota,perhaps they do it this way in UT.I thought you were staying in some district in Punjab.The procedure followed in different states is different and I don't claim to know how they do things in different parts of the country.This however has got nothing to do with the Arms Act but is dependent upon the local interpretations and the notifications issued by various state govt.'s.Posting about your location helps avoid any misunderstanding.

3.I can make out nothing re. your file

All that you have posted in your defense does not distract from your attitude that everything is hunky dory now that you have got the renowned shot certificate and enhanced ammo quota.If you have something to share about the shooting sport and how to get started and go about this,do so.If it is so precious to you,keep it to yourself.I am sure there would be others who would be more than glad to share their experiences and knowledge without expecting people to prostrate them self at their feet for the great favor rendered.

I think even I can do without the role of a moderator.


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Post by shooter » Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:42 am

ive missed out on the debate for a while due to me shifting houses.

for the recored, im not cribbing.
im happy i got my first gun and i think it reflects in my post'my love'and my soon to come posts ''çonfessions of a dangerous mind'' and 'the 200000 pound shotgun''

inder im sorry u feel the tone of my thread is not right. im very happy with my purchase and i shot it the very next day( see advice for a newbie.) and hav been doin so regularly. just wanted to share my experience with my fellow gun lovers.

everyone has difficulties in life and diff people react differently to stress. the more imp the issue, the more extreme the emotional response.
i am passionate about the sport and take care that my posts arent offensive in anyway and i think you would agree with this.
You want more gun control? Use both hands!

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