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Jobs career & Competitions info in 10mt AR shooting sport

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:11 pm
by samuraik5
Hi IFG's,

I am new here & a little new for shooting sport as well.
I used to fire .22 cal Firearm while I was in NCC & then realized, I am not bad at shooting. I like to start my career in shooting (10 M Air Rifle)
As there are no shooting ranges present near to my stay, I am starting practice at my home itself. I am looking for some info/advice.

1) Can we achieve Govt Jobs by winning medals at state / National level competitions ? If yes, How many medals/ in which level are Eligible to attract a govt job?

2) From Where/How we can know the Competitions are being conducted in different states? so that we can participate. I mean, is there any website or place where "all India/State level Competition events with dates, eligibility criteria" are displayed?

3) Can any one outline the growth in "10 mt AR event"? Such as Tree diagram like:
For ex. Clearing Stage 1: State level competition
Stage 2: Inter state level
Stage 3: Mavlankar
Stage 4: National level etc.. (something like this)

4) Is there any easy/difficulty/greater no. of competitors in 10 mt Air Rifle event contrast to Air Pistol event? in gents category

Anyone Please educate me :please: and excuse me if acting like :stupid: as I'm new here.
