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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:39 pm
by jitu sati
have now come to around 60%. but am sorely missing actual shooting. will 100% take long

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:04 pm
by jitu sati
hey hvj. does one really get beyond 70%.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:01 pm
by hvj1
jitu sati wrote:hey hvj. does one really get beyond 70%.
You have reached 60%, very good. You not only can, but will and have to reach 100%, if you want to be a good pistol shooter.
Remember what I said? This is a mirror, where you will have to look at your SELF IMAGE. Alright, you are now ripe for the next lesson, will come around to it shortly. In the meantime, shoot back to back session LIVE. This will keep you motivated and happy.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:23 pm
by jitu sati
thx. will start that and hopefully with this enhanced habit of looking keenly for the sight alignment i should improve

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:13 pm
by hvj1
Lesson No.7 Box DrillsDear Jitu,
You asked me whether anyone can reach 100% while using the box drills. Here are some methods which you can use to achieve 100%
Assuming that you are going to do 60 repetitions for sight alignment,then;
1. Break up the 60 squares or boxes, into sets of 5 boxes. That is count 5 boxes and make a small dot at the end of 5 boxes. Make these marks, which will help you identify each set clearly.
2. Now, if you have achieved 40%, then in ever set of 5 boxes, you managed to achieve a right mark (tick) in 2 out of 5.
3. Before starting on your next box drill exercise, set yourself a goal which is easily achievable. I recommend an increase of only 10% per day.
4. So if your goal is 45%, then you have to ensure, that in every alternate set, you must achieve at least three tick marks instead of your average two.
5. If you manage to do the above, then you will achieve 50% (your goal).
6. We now come to lesson No.8 which will help you in achieving your goal to be a good shooter.

Lesson 8 Shooting Diary.
Choosing a diary.
1. A diary, should have at least ONE single page to a day.
2. The diary should be large in size.
3. An old diary will also do. (in fact preferred)
Why you must use a diary?
1. To keep a record of all that you have done.
2. This way you can see the progress you are making.
3. Developa systematic and focussed approach to your job.
4. Helps you make notes, which you might otherwise forget.
5. Helps you achieve make significant strides in lesser time.
6. To sumarise: It helps you to be efficient and effective.
How to use your diary
2. Always be TO the POINT.
4. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, write in points.
Contents of the Diary
1. Your goals, written to the point and in points.
2. Time frame for achieving the goals ( be flexible and go easy on yourself if you do not reach a particular goal- Be POSITIVE)
3. Before you start a training session, ALWAYS write down the GOAL for each training session. (Say 50% for S.A.)
4.Write down your STRATEGY for achieving each goal, before the start of each session. Example : Breaking into sets of 5.
5. At the end of the training session, if you have achieved your goal. THEN pointwise, identify the reasons.
6. If you have not achieved your goal, then identify pointwise, the reasons.
7. The reason for not achieving your goal, becomes YOUR GOAL for the next session (this is how you convert a negative into positve).
E.g. Could not achieve the goal, because of mobile disturbance- Goal for next session, plan your session, without interference or be mentally prepared for interference.
7. Once again, devise a new strategy for achieving your new goal.
8. Set GOAL-Devise STRATEGY-FOCUS on strategy- ANALYSE-IDENTIFY positive and negative-Convert negative to next GOAL-STRATEGY .
9. We now come to Lesson No.9 - Mental Training.
What is mental training?
1. Identifying areas for improvement.
2. ACCEPTING the necessity for improving (otherwise goals you set cannot be achieved)
3. Having the HUMILITY to accept, that you may be lacking in certain charachter or mental traits (e.g. Concentration, will power, perseverance, ego, poor self image, match fear, fear of failure etc.)
4. Studying on methods for improving the same.
5. UNDERSTANDING the methods.
6. Trying out methods which SUIT you.
7. ACTUALLY DOING it on a REGULAR basis.
Example of Mental Training for YOU (Jitu)
1. Let us say, you have not achieved your goal. and found the reson for it.
2. Ideally, your ego will not accept it and you will think about it the rest of the day.
3. Probably you may get angry. Very Good, focus this anger on achieving your goal (small steps) in the next training session. IMMEDIATELY (while you are still angry and determind) WRITE DOWN IN YOUR DIARY - THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE TOMORROWS GOAL.
4. Read the diary before sleeping. INTERNALIZE the goal- I WILL ACHIEVE IT! SEE yourself achieving your goal before you go to sleep.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:06 pm
by hvj1
Lesson No.9 Mental Training
Personal experiences:
1. There are those who do not subscribe to the concept of mental training. Believe only in technical skills and the mental fitness necessary for executing these technical skills.
2. There are those who believe that Mental Training alone is the key to success in shooting (and any other endeavour)
3. Then there are those who are somewhere in between.
For pistol shooting, I advise the following breakup;
For the Novice:
Total Training Time available say 60 minutes.
30 minutes Technical skill development.
15 minutes Physical fitness
15 minutes Mental Training read Diary Writing (Yes Diary writing is a part of Mental Training)
SO the ratio is 50:25:25.
Now most NOVICE shooters, SOLELY concentrate only on techncial skill development, so not surprising to see them breaking down physically as well as mentally in the near future.
Now, if you wish to put in 2 hours, obviously the break up is as follows;
60 minutes Technical Skill Development
30 minutes Physical fitness
30 minutes Mental Training.
1. Do you expect me to write a diary for 30 minutes?
It does'nt mean that you scribble away, (tongue sticking out of the corner), what I mean is REFLECT, THINK, ANALYSE all this done POSITIVELY accompanied with diary writing for 30 minutes or so.
Again, the ratio given above is an indicator, you dont have to set an alarm clock to measure out and allocate each of the above activities, to PRECISELY those time slots. What one has to UNDERSTAND is the necessity to BALANCE out all the above three skills- technical, mental & physical.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:11 pm
by jitu sati
thanks hvj
will be getting the diary today. i do have a query that if i have a trg time of one hour. what exactly should i do in these three heads
tech devp - SA alignment.and what else
physical - figure eight ex and what else
under what head would live shooting come. or is it above this one hr

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:46 pm
by hvj1
All the things you do with the gun in hand, fig-8, S.A. live or dry shooting etc., all come under Technical Skill Development.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:25 am
by jitu sati
shot a round after a long time after a week of SA ex. got tight group but it is on seven ring at 12 o clock. pl clarify where exactly should i aim. at 6 ring or 4 ring because if i aim at 4 ring with my face upright then it appears as if i am slanting the air pistol downwards. pl advice
by the way if this is all tech skill devp then what is included in physical trg. sorry if i am appearing a bit harassing with continuous questions

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:34 pm
by hvj1
where exactly should i aim. at 6 ring or 4 ring because if i aim at 4 ring with my face upright then it appears as if i am slanting the air pistol downwards. pl advice
Aim wherever you are the MOST COMFORTABLE, metally as well physically. Give the necessary clicks, once you are settled regarding your aiming area, then if the shots are going off target, give the necessary clicks.
by the way if this is all tech skill devp then what is included in physical trg. sorry if i am appearing a bit harassing with continuous questions
Regarding tech. skill development, you have only scratched the surface, achieve 100% S.A. then we will take up the next element. No you are not harrassing me, in fact you should get back to me almost every day or after each session.
Keep up the good work, you are doing just fine!
Best Regards

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:01 pm
by jitu sati
one more query. when i am practicing the SA on white of the tgt the measure of knowing that the SA is correct is just a feeling. but how should one know when actual shooting whether the SA is correct. would it mean that the shots would come in a horizontal line if aiming pt is relatively constant (within the limits of lateral mov of the hand). what i want to know is how does one practically judge whether the SA is correct

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:44 pm
by hvj1
1. The SA must look like your cutouts before the shot. When the shot is released some displacement (very slight) does take place, but it should go back to the correct SA . So the SA must look the same before and immediately after the shot. This will happen if your grip follow through is correct.
2. If the above takes place 5/5 times, then assumng that your arc of movement was the same for each shot, you will have achieved a fairly tight group. Now for a novice it would be the 9th ring.
3. Above two points will hold true only if you have a smooth continous trigger follow through. But right now do not get bothered about trigger. Just focus on releasing the shot with good SA follow through.
4. Do not be bothered by sight displacement DURING the shot, CONCENTRATE on achieveing correct SA and proper grip follow through will ensure that the SA will be maintained after the shot also.
If not clear about this explaination, inform me.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:06 am
by jitu sati
will try this out and come back with any query if it surfaces during the shoot.
should i simultaneously do any physical ex to strengthen the arms as the arms seem to start tiring after the first 4 sets and then i tend to hurry the shots. pl advice how much time should i take for every 10 shots. because sometimes i seem to hurry through the shots but it certainly does not help in the accuracy

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:24 pm
by hvj1
Please refer to HowStuffWorks "warm-up exercises"

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:26 pm
by hvj1
Lesson No.10 Physical Training
1. 99% of the novices in shooting neglect physical training, the after effects of which are felt in the later years (3-4).
2. Before starting your Technical Training Please follow the steps given below;
(a) Warming Up before picking up the gun.
(b) Take a break of 10 minutes for yourr ody to relax.
(c) Complete Tech training then do the Stretching exercises.
All exercises are shown on howstuffworks - Warming up exercises.
3.Aerobic exercises ( Walking, light jogging) duration 30 minutes to be extended as per your temperament. 3 days a week
4. Exercises for arms,chest , shoulders, legs, abs, back to be done 3 times a week for min 30 min.each session. To be increased as per your temperament.
5. In addition to exercise shown in howstuffworks, please add dumbells (2kg) repetitions sets of 10 X 3 extended to 5 as you find it suitable.

THE ABOVE ARE COMPULSORY, To be neglected at your own risk!