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Attack on shooting champion

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:28 am
by to_saptarshi
Attack on shooting champion

Kolkata, March 7: National shooting champion Shiuli Sadhukhan (27) was shot at and seriously injured by unidentified assailants near her house at Serampore, Hooghly, this morning.

The incident took place at around 10.15 am but her trauma extended for four hours, with two state-run hospitals refusing her admission. She was finally admitted to the Calcutta Medical College Hospital.

The attack took place at a stone's throw from the Serampore police station. Shiuli's father Gobindo Sadukhan said she had been receiving threat calls for a year and a police complaint had been lodged.

Police suspect that the incident is a fallout of sports-related rivalry. "Primary investigations revealed that the assault was pre-planned. It is a case of personal enmity. The assailants were hired shooters. We have detained a few persons and their interrogation is on," said Supratim Sarkar, District Superintendent of Police, Hooghly.

According to police, the incident took place while Shiuli, an employee of the Cossipore Gun and Shell Factory, was on her way to office. She was about 300 metres from her Dharmatolla Lane home, when three youths on a motorbike stopped her and one of them fired at her. The bullets hit her abdomen. The miscreants fled at once.

Hearing the shots, policemen who had rushed out from the nearby police station, took her to Serampore Walsh Hospital. But the hospital authorities referred her to R G Kar Medical College Hospital. Her friends took her there and after a half-hour wait at the emergency, were told that no beds were available. She was then taken to a private nursing home in Bowbazar, which too refused admission, saying it is a police case. Finally, around 2 pm, she was admitted at the Calcutta Medical College. She is to undergo an orthopaedic surgery tomorrow. "No one wanted to admit her. At R G Kar Hospital, she was kept for a long time at the emergency. She was writhing in pain but none of the doctors attended to her," said Abhijit Mondol, Shiuli's neighbour.

Shiuli, who ranks among the country's top shooters, had bagged two gold medals in the recent national meets. She also represented Bengal on numerous occasions. ... sid=225595

KOLKATA, March. 8: Mr Swapan Sanyal, the former coach of national-level shooter Shiuli Sadhukhan was arrested today on charges of masterminding the attack on her. Police said Mr Sanyal had masterminded the attack because Shiuli had asked him to return the money she had received from the state government three years ago.n SNS ... &id=149152

Re: Attack on shooting champion

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:14 am
by jonahpach
I too have had a firsthand experience of hospitals refusing to admit 'police' cases. It can be quite exasperating even when you are only trying to help a stranger who has been hit by a hit-and-run scooter. Hasnt a law been enacted on this matter? (Of hospitals not allowed to refuse accident and crime related cases?)


Re: Attack on shooting champion

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:42 am
by Grumpy
So victims of gun attacks are being punished by hospitals who refuse to treat them ? Madness !
The young lady featured in this report was lucky that her wounds were not more serious as otherwise she could easily have died from neglect.
It`s a very good job that her assailants were not of a similar ability - shooting wise - as she.

Re: Attack on shooting champion

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:42 am
by Risala
It's the lesser known smaller private hospitals and nursing homes who tend to deny giving treatment to accident victims cause of the legalities wrt the police,the Govt hospitals and the more reputed pvt ones dont have an issue.
What's sad in this case is that it's over moolah and the person involved is none other than her coach.
Hope the justice prevails and he is put away.

Re: Attack on shooting champion

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:15 am
by Grumpy
"Hope the justice prevails and he is put away."
Yes, well said Sanjay. He certainly desrves to be locked up for a very long time if guilty. Makes you wonder what sort of mindset a person such as he has.
Thankyou for the explaination re the hospital situation. Not as bad as I thought but if someone is seriously injured being refused treatment at a nearby hospital could still prove fatal - private or not.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:32 am
by eljefe
Re the hospital snafu,
Supreme court passed a ruling in 1993 that NO victim of an injury/MVA etc can be refused treatment/admission in any establishment masquerading as a hospital...the excuse that it is a 'medicolegal case' and cant be treated here just doesent hold good.
serious grounds for a major law suit.Hasnt the news filtered to calcutta yet?

Re: Attack on shooting champion

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:54 pm
by mehulkamdar
One of the reasons why hospitals and some doctors do not want to treat people injured in shooting incidents is that they do not get sued for negligence. If this lady decides to do this after she recovers, it would, hopefully, set a trend and make sure that others do not go untreated in the future. I hope some lawyer offers to help her on ideological grounds by doing this free. Those who are deliberately negligent should be amde to pay. Preferrably through their noses.