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Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:55 pm
by guncrazy
Mack The Knife Bana";p="23278 wrote:
guncrazy";p="23275 wrote:I just happened to remember a scene from "cast away" and thought why was I so senti on a yellow
It's a shame that only occured to you after the song and dance routine.
Dear Mack The Knife,
Please check my mails I had apologised where I felt I was wrong and Please, you are making personal comments and that is not a sport I know I am a good shot

Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:57 pm
by penpusher

So if the US govt, exerts pressure on the Indian govt. there might be a repeal of the order banning the import of firearms.

Mack The Knife,

How about an appeal to the NRA of US.Considering the doldrums some of the US arms manufacturers are in ,a market as large as India should be tempting.


Re: .32 smith and wesson for sale

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:05 pm
by Grumpy
Can we now draw a line under this matter and allow Sentinal to ( attempt to ) get on with selling his gun ?........Although he might like to start that process again ...........................( ahem ! )

Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:28 pm
by cyrixoutside

prices can come down in to ways

a) allow imports - main problem - IOF will resist, many anti guns groups will resist, securtiy agencies will resist (not clear to me why securities agencies should resist, but they will) also arms dealers will resist and secretly even the NRAI will resist coz it will render them almost useless.

b) allow private manufacture - the problem about private parties are not interested in setting up small arms manufacturing units in india unless they get permission to participate in governmnet orders, otherwise its just not worth it to go into the business and that is something the IOF will fight like anyting, coz allowing imports would only destroy its civilian sales, allowing private manufacturers based in india to bid for government tenders will totally finish off all of IOF sales.

so is there any hope, well i think that imports will gradually be relaxed, its already happening, are the renowned shot rules are being changed and .177 calber air guns are being allowed to be imported to post. these are small step, but in the correct direction.

about manufacturing, unless one of the big business groups lobbies hard with the government it will not happen



Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:23 pm
by penpusher
A third way is if the IOF improves it's products and starts charging a realistic price for them.


Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:42 pm
by Mack The Knife
Dear Mack The Knife,
Please check my mails I had apologised where I felt I was wrong and Please, you are making personal comments and that is not a sport I know I am a good shot

What's the last bit supposed to mean?

Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:53 pm
by Sujay
penpusher";p="23280 wrote:Sujay,

So if the US govt, exerts pressure on the Indian govt. there might be a repeal of the order banning the import of firearms.

Mack The Knife,

How about an appeal to the NRA of US.Considering the doldrums some of the US arms manufacturers are in ,a market as large as India should be tempting.

I will reply to this later....

Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:05 pm
by Mack The Knife
Mack The Knife,

How about an appeal to the NRA of US.Considering the doldrums some of the US arms manufacturers are in ,a market as large as India should be tempting.


Reviving sick units in the U.S. due to orders from India could be a reason but how much would the NRA (U.S.A.) personally gain from this? At the end of the day, it's all about, "what's in it for me?".

So unless, they come to some sort of understanding with the U.S. manufacturers, I don't see this happening.

Mack The Knife

Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:56 pm
by Grumpy
I`m as cynical as Mack The Knife concerning the likelyhood of pressure being applied by American manufacturers. The countries of the world can`t agree on agricultural subsidies and other protective measures such as high import tariffs so what chance do you think there is that a matter as inconsequential - in real economic terms - as the import of firearms will receive attention ?
I think the major impetus should be a campaign to force the IOF to improve its standards - in terms of quality control, design and pricing. I can`t understand why the Indian Government hasn`t given IOF a huge kick up the backside as there is a vast market for firearms and weaponry they aren`t exploiting......and are currently unable to exploit.

Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:09 pm
by Risala
I told you all, people would come out smokin,throwing left and rights.

But seriously I dont see the ban ever being lifted,lets get real there are far too many vested intrests,it suits most who are in the hot seats.

Revival of sick units in the West would benefit if the above is done away with.

But if the US manufacturers and the shooting enthusiasts the world over would like to see the prices of arms and ammo drop even more & extend reach beyond there borders,

then setting up shop in India as a low cost base in an SEZ would be in their intrest if granted permission by the GOI.

They get all the benefits like exemptions from duties,taxes etc and yet are allowed to sell 25 % of their produce in the local market.

We then just might get lucky.

Else we just keep buying these limited editions amongst ourselves, Rusty might end up with my Beretta and I with someone elses Shotty :wink:


Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:10 pm
by penpusher
Just clutching at straws.Re. IOF, the less said the better.Any criticism of the IOF is immediately put forth as a reflection of the desires of vested interests(read people who want to make money through kick backs in defense purchases from abroad).Or, even more damaging to the person criticizing IOF ,as being anti-national.An attempt to weaken the ability of the country to defend itself by making it totally dependent upon import of arms.


Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:19 pm
by Risala
There is a big market for both Mil & civilian arms out there the IOFB just dont get it,may be they should privatise it.
Perhaps the Q would improve,that I am certain.

Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:30 pm
by Mack The Knife
Sanjay";p="23321 wrote:Else we just keep buying these limited editions amongst ourselves, Rusty might end up with my Beretta and I with someone elses Shotty :wink:
Surely you meant it the other way around....

Didn't you? :evil:

;) :mrgreen:

Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:31 pm
by kanwar76
Sanjay";p="23321 wrote: Else we just keep buying these limited editions amongst ourselves, Rusty might end up with my Beretta and I with someone elses Shotty :wink:
Oi stop teasing us and post the pics of your shotty :twisted:


Re: (un)realistic prices of fire arms in India.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:39 pm
by Grumpy
penpusher, what needs to be done is to turn around the criticism of IOF so that attacking their poor performance is not seen as anti-nationalistic but patriotic and that justification of that poor performance is untenable or treacherous and against the national interest.
In the US the Republican Party deliberately contrived to make the term `liberal` an insult by continually using it as a term of abuse. It is only now regaining some of its former meaning largely because of two other terms `fundamentalist` and `conservative` - both attached to the right wing of the GOP - have acquired emotive and negative connotations.
Circumstances can be changed but need a concerted and sustained effort.
When was the last time that you wrote a letter to the Times of India attacking IOFs incompetence and treacherous inefficiency ?