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Re: Canadian sniper makes record-breaking 3,540m kill shot in Iraq

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:15 pm
by goodboy_mentor
Interesting discussion and interesting points and variables mentioned by nitroex700.
essdee1972 wrote:Propaganda or not, if an IS / AQ / Talib was killed, even with the rifle muzzle touching the target, or with a knife, grenade, bare hands, it is laudable!
essdee1972, it is really doubtful if killing some individuals or even their leaders is going to produce any results. These organizations are part of the new great game targeting middle east and Indian sub continent. These organization receive full clandestine support by intelligence agencies of well known super powers. As a matter of deceiving the public and building false narratives, these very super powers occasionally do a drama of opposing or fighting these organizations or making loud declarations against "terrorism" or well orchestrated campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. If you search for Sykes Picot Agreement on the internet, probably you will understand. Most probably repeat of similar thing is going on today.

Re: Canadian sniper makes record-breaking 3,540m kill shot in Iraq

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:57 pm
by Alab Arsalan
Vikram Bhai: Im expecting that fellow IFG members do understand thees basics. and whats nitroex700 Bhai mention is good enough. :)

Re: Canadian sniper makes record-breaking 3,540m kill shot in Iraq

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:15 pm
by nitroex700
Alab Arsalan wrote:Vikram Bhai: Im expecting that fellow IFG members do understand thees basics. and whats nitroex700 Bhai mention is good enough. :)
Thanks for the appreciate boss! Beginning a fresh thread on it shortly.. I must add here that while it would be a 'blind arrow' shot by all means if it connected even in the first 5 rounds, I will first go blabbering about why exactly it would take 57 shots to land one on target (by which time the target would not be stupid enough to remain standing there..) then try and figure out how modern tech has evolved to make such shots a real possibility. In any case I'm guessing that they almost certainly had a Predator buzzing around somewhere given their 'video recording' of the shot...

Re: Canadian sniper makes record-breaking 3,540m kill shot in Iraq

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:31 pm
by goodboy_mentor
For those who read this thread later, this is the link for the new thread raised by nitroex700 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=25225

Re: Canadian sniper makes record-breaking 3,540m kill shot in Iraq

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:41 pm
by nitroex700
goodboy_mentor wrote:For those who read this thread later, this is the link for the new thread raised by nitroex700 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=25225