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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:53 am
by Sakobav

I agree with the biased coverage from many journos and MSNBC Keith Ob something was just off the wall. Worst was grilling of this nut's room mate a Punjab fella K Grewal by Chris Mathew. Who somehow was upset how come room mates did not report this kids odd behaviour to Univ. Who were already aware of this fellas troubled history anyway and Univ legally cannot share this info with anyone. Media is desperate to nail some one for all this? Also most rediclous thing was telecasting this nuts material by NBC so that he could mock everyone from the grave. Its all about revenue rest be damned. The banner on VT campus " Hoagies Stay strong and media stay away"

There was a nice debate on pro and anti gun laws on cnn website and it was mentioned in an article how a school teacher in Missouri stopped similar nut with a .45. Such stories will never be telecasted.


I did edit my report because I was posting as the issue was evolving. There was no information what soever, press conference by Univ was worst one that Polic chief could not even state whether there are two or one killer it was legal riddle or jumbo mumbo at worst. So Mehul is correct because my information for first post was quoted from MSNBC after few hours and many of those facts stated were wrong, reason I edited my post. Its tragic event but knee jerk reactions from politicos will not address under lying issue.

Time magazine has an essay by David Von Drehle and its heading states it all “ Its all about him – We should stop explaining killers on their terms. Its not about guns or culture. Its narcissism”


Re: Gunman kills 32 at Virginia Tech

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:36 pm
by penpusher
Some more articles on this here
