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ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:51 pm
by shooter
how about having an ifg meet in uk?
can we decide on a date on which it is convenient for us to meet up and have a shooting lovers day out?
alll those in favour say aye.

Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:06 pm
by hamiclar01
Count me in!

just remember......... notice....... adequate notice!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:51 am
by shooter
how much is adequate?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:13 am
by Vikram
And me. And we will kidnap Grumps from his lair.


Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:13 am
by Grumpy
Is Abhijeet still coming over next month ? I know that he doesn`t have to any more but if he is............................................

Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:28 am
by hamiclar01
shooter";p="25283 wrote: how much is adequate?
thankfully i have the next six weekly rota right now. so can tell you the weekends i'm free
Vikram";p="25289 wrote: And me. And we will kidnap Grumps from his lair.
the vision .......... the three of us, sombero wearing, unshaven, sweaty poncho clad, winchester waving riders, with Grumps strung across the middle pony, bound and gagged .............. :D fell off my perch laughing

Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:51 am
by Grumpy
Look, you can have the sombreros, ponchos, ponies and Winchesters but I am not going to be `strung across` a ponies back..........I`m too fat for that ! If you can`t arrange a civilised, comfortable kidnapping I`m not playing !
As regards you lot being sweaty and unshaven................Yeah, well, that`s what I heard as well. The result of which is that one of you has a girlfiend who has run off back to the Ukraine; One has a fiancee who wants nothing to do with him so he is having erotic fantasies about guns and one had to get out of ( nice ) Bury St Edmunds and move to ( manky ) Cambridge !

Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:54 am
by Grumpy
And on the subject of Winchesters: I sold my `94 Trapper 30-30 last week. Got to think of something else to get now.

Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:28 am
by Vikram
Grumpster wrote

"As regards you lot being sweaty and unshaven................Yeah, well, that`s what I heard as well. The result of which is that one of you has a girlfiend who has run off back to the Ukraine; One has a fiancee who wants nothing to do with him so he is having erotic fantasies about guns and one had to get out of ( nice ) Bury St Edmunds and move to ( manky ) Cambridge ! "

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I couldn't control my laughter for a few minutes.Still chuckling. I here by promise that the aforementioned kidnapping shall be done in at most civil manner.We shall turn up reasonably facially defollicled,showered and in clean garbs. No tuxedos though. Jeans, unwashed for only a week and a fleece jacket.Will that suffice?


Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:14 am
by Grumpy
Yeah, that`ll do. I`m still not going to be thrown over the back of a horse though - bundled into the back of a car will be allright.
Jeans washed only a week ago ? Good grief - have you bought a washing machine ? I thought you said that you only wash your jeans when they stand up by themselves ?
Yup, four guys in tuxedos going shooting.......... We`ll look like the bl**dy mafia !
( - We`ll have to do that sometime you know ................ Semi-autos and sawn-offs only ! )

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:47 am
by eljefe
I have this tune playing in my head...from 'reservoir dogs' ! Have a great time guys!

Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:30 pm
by Grumpy
"I have this tune playing in my head...from 'reservoir dogs' !"

Asif, that - and `Pulp Fiction` - are EXACTLY the images that came to mind...........only without John Travoltas weird hair cut !

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:21 pm
by eljefe
Traviolta's weird haircut? We havent seen the IFG lot's yet!!

Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:14 pm
by Grumpy
The last week my hair has been determined to look like a fluffy Elvis quiff but is usually quite restrained. Vikram and Abhijeet are very conservative. Can`t comment on Drs Fraud and Gazpasseur..........although the former might be quite `Bohemian` I suppose......................................

Re: ifg meet in uk?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:56 pm
by Vikram
Grumps wrote

"Vikram and Abhijeet are very conservative."

There was a time before the rain forest started to race towards Sahara.You could hardly call me conventional. :(