RKBA and the recent attempt to perpetrate terror in NYC, USA

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RKBA and the recent attempt to perpetrate terror in NYC, USA

Post by timmy » Thu May 06, 2010 10:36 am

IFG Brothers and Sisters:

I'd like to sound off about the attitude that seems to pervade out democracies. The man caught in connection with the recent bombing attempt is a US citizen, who happens to be a naturalized citizen -- he was formerly a citizen of Pakistan. Now let me say, I don't much care whether a person is blue or green, or from the moon. Our constitution is clear: there's only one "grade" or "level" of US citizenship.

Some of our right wing politicians are now calling for people like this accused American citizen to be treated under law as a terrorist, and not accorded the rights of an American citizen, which he is. One of these politicians is a decorated war hero and a recent presidential candidate, and I think his present position is a shame for a man who fought for his nation to hold.

However, now our politicians on the left, including the present Mayor of New York City, are calling for "suspected terrorists," like the accused American (he was on the "no fly" list) to be denied Second Amendment rights (RKBA), not because a crime has been committed, but because of suspicion of ill intent.

You see where this is going: one side of the political spectrum finds it convenient to race-bait and advocate treating immigrant new citizens as second class (similar to the lamentable and shameful period in American History when we locked up over 100,000 American citizens because they happened to be of Japanese descent 70 years ago). They are trying to take advantage of the present fears of terrorism to implement a racist policy.

On the other hand, the other side of the political spectrum is using the present fears of terrorism to try and deny Bill of Rights Constitutional guarantees of personal rights to further their pet anti gun political schemes.

May I suggest, it is a dangerous thing to give one's heart to a political movement without being vigilant regarding ALL of our rights. It is not acceptable to consent to giving up some of our rights, anymore than it is acceptable for a thief to rob us of only half of our wallet's contents.

Personally, I find this use of an event for other political ends to be disgusting and reprehensible.

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Re: RKBA and the recent attempt to perpetrate terror in NYC, USA

Post by abukamoon » Mon May 10, 2010 8:00 pm

I would like to point out something that few seem to recognize. The NeoCon Republicans and the Liberal Democrats in the US are two sides of the same coin. They are not on opposite sides of the political spectrum. They are one in the same.

They work together to undermine our Constitutional Rights. All of the gun-grabbing done by the Democrats was done with the help of the Republicans. And all of the assaults on our Bill of Rights, like the Patriot Act was done with the help of the Democrats. So, using the Left-Right dichotomy is falling into their trap.

The real Conservatives are represented by people like Ron Paul. Dr. Paul, a ten term Congressman from Texas opposes any legislation that violates our Constitution, be it civilian disarmament (gun control), a national ID, and spying on the American people without a court order. The real political spectrum reflects Freedom vs government control. Our Founders established a Republic and gave us a Constitution that strictly limited government. Both Democrat and Republican politicians have, and continue to violate that Constitution. And that's why we are losing our Freedom.

Until you realize that both the Democrat and Republican parties are working for the same interests, you are playing their game. Their are good people in both parties, but the leadership is corrupt. What we need is politicians who will obey the Constitution. Remember, the limitation of government is the essence of Freedom.

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Re: RKBA and the recent attempt to perpetrate terror in NYC, USA

Post by goodboy_mentor » Mon May 10, 2010 10:14 pm

The real political spectrum reflects Freedom vs government control. Our Founders established a Republic and gave us a Constitution that strictly limited government. Both Democrat and Republican politicians have, and continue to violate that Constitution. And that's why we are losing our Freedom.
Please do not let the Constitution to be undermined or freedom to be eroded under any excuse or pretext however grand or convincing it might appear to be, Indian people have already done this mistake and are suffering.
"If my mother tongue is shaking the foundations of your State, it probably means that you built your State on my land" - Musa Anter, Kurdish writer, assassinated by the Turkish secret services in 1992

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