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HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:54 pm
by mundaire
A round of applause to TC who ensured that women's need to arm themselves was given due coverage on page 2 of the Hindustan Times (Kolkata edition) yesterday.

Could not find any other way to link to the article, so uploading the PDF from the HT ePaper site and pasting the text below:
Page 2 Kolkata Edition 29th Decemeber 2012
Now she carries a knife in her handbag
Sudeshna Pal
[email protected]

Reshmi Ganguly, a 34-year-old employee with an IT firm based at Sector V, Salt Lake, returns home in the wee hours at least thrice a week. The day a woman was raped inside a moving car at Park Street in February this year Ganguly felt a cold fear. She started carrying a penknife inside her purse. The tiny steel blade, she feels, can be a tool of defence if she is attacked.

Ganguly, quite ironically, is not alone. Fear and rising concern for safety has forced a large number of women to give a serious thought to self defence. As a result, pepper sprays, key chains equipped with alarm and stun guns that deliver high voltage shock to attackers have found a booming market.

"I often face intimidating situations while returning home in my office car. I cannot always ask my male colleagues to escort me or drop me first. At times I wish I wasn't born a woman. Then, I would not have to live in this fear," said Ganguly.

A sharp rise in rape and attack on women across the state have skyrocketed the sale of handy but innocuous self-defence products. However, there are many prospective buyers who still do not know where to buy them and, most importantly, what would be the best weapon in an emergency. Interestingly, a small gift shop at Park Street, where the rape is still making headlines after 11 months, has started selling pepper spray.

"Sale of pepper spray has gone up three times in the last two months. We sell at least 40 cans a month. Though it is good for business the trend exposes the tremendous insecurity women of Kolkata are living in. Ironically, these products sell much more in Mumbai and Delhi," said Tapas Shaw, owner of the gift shop.

Martial arts schools are also witnessing huge footfall. "My daughter goes to college. I got her enrolled for a kick-boxing course as she learnt some Taekwondo when she was 8," said Minakshi Barua.

Interestingly, in comparison with other metros, Kolkata still lags behind when it comes to women opting for firearms for self-defence. The percentage of women having firearm license is still minuscule in Kolkata. Gun rights activists blame stringent government policies for this and want the license issuing process to be citizen friendly.

"The price of handguns, even the ones made by the Indian Ordnance Factory, is so high that not many middle class people can afford them. On the other hand those who can afford it basically don't need them because they belong to the higher socio-economic strata of the society," said Abhijeet Singh, one of the founder members of National Association for Gun Rights India (NAGRI).

"Carrying a gun may not be a choice all women would want to make. But they have to know that it is very much an option. Every woman in this country has the right to defend herself," said Singh.
Before I get crucified here, I did not say that people who belong to the higher socio-economic strata of the society do not need guns! I'd said that VIPs etc. who enjoy protection in the form of armed guards (at tax-payer expense) do not need firearms to protect themselves, but they are the ones who's licenses are always approved.

Once again, thank you TC for bringing up the issue of arming women in the mainstream media :clap:


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:05 pm
by only32owner
Thanks TC,
A commendeable job. :D


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:11 pm
by Vikram
Thank you,TC!


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:38 pm
by inplainsight
Good article. It's refreshing to see such articles in the News.

Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:00 pm
by Vikram
Most important thing is, even if one person thinks positively due to this article, that is another victory towards making life safer for them and independent. We do not discount sound enforcement of law and order, but while the mindsets are being "civilised", women do have the need to take measures to protect themselves.


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:53 pm
by only32owner
Vikram wrote:Most important thing is, even if one person thinks positively due to this article, that is another victory towards making life safer for them and independent. We do not discount sound enforcement of law and order, but while the mindsets are being "civilised", women do have the need to take measures to protect themselves.

Totally agree with you Vikram.
I am a man, I think good for two in a fight, I can take my chances with three also.
But what if faced with SIX MONSTER, I definetly need my gun. If these are my feelings as a man.

Women, must be armed.


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:50 am
by nagarifle
thank TC

Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:21 am
by xl_target
Thank You for publishing this.
I spent time in Kolkata while growing up. Women were respected there and were especially safe in their own para.
Once a woman reached her own para, she had nothing to fear from anyone.
In Kolkata, if a woman was menaced, every male in sight would respond. Even the shopkeepers would grab their iron rods (used to close the rolling shutters in their shops) and come to the rescue.

Apparently those days are gone.
I hope your article will change some minds and will allow women the means to properly defend themselves.

Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:03 am
by timmy
A very good piece of work, this article!

Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:30 am
by Sakobav
Great once TC thanks

Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:01 am
by kanwar76
Good, Nice to see a sane journo for a change :)


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:53 pm
by AgentDoubleS
As IFG members I know we will be accused of being biased. This is one of the most logical, unbiased article I have read on this issue in a long long time. Excellent work TC and team.


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:55 pm
by TC
Thank you Abhijeet and dear members... I am just doing my job and doing what I feel is right... will continue to do so.

I have apologized to Abhijeet personally on behalf of the reporter. She is a very young girl, full of fire, but knows nothing about guns and gun rights .. If I keep writing all stories on these issues myself the next generation will never learn.

On a lighter note... I hope none of you missed out Abhijeet's mugshot that went with this story.. Bengal's women now know that RKBA wears a handsome smile :D

:cheers: and Best wishes for 2013


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:13 pm
by only32owner
TC wrote:

On a lighter note... I hope none of you missed out Abhijeet's mugshot that went with this story.. Bengal's women now know that RKBA wears a handsome smile :D

Agree with you TC,

I read the article in e paper, undoubtedly Abhijeet is face of RKBA with that wonderful smile. :D


Re: HT Kolkata raises the issue of arming women

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:51 pm
by TC
kanwar76 wrote:Good, Nice to see a sane journo for a change :)

Well exceptions don's always prove anything ...
