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Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:13 pm
by mehulkamdar

Kofi Annan's actions will affect the whole world. UN member countries will have little choice but to accept his proposals if they are voted through. The tragedy is that few if any are doing much and the NRA of the USA is probably the most active organisation fighting this madness. Can't see the defenders of the NRAI or any other similar sounding organisation anywhere in the world as much as raising a finger to do something about this.

US politicians know by now that this country loves it's guns. Two elections showed that anti gun presidential candidates lost only because they were anti gun - both Gore and Kerry must be kicking themselves for their stupidity. I know that the USA will not go with this bullshit - the reason why a two bit fraud like Anna wants to make a point about holding this on July the 4th - but in the rest of the world the effect could be devastating in more ways than many could imagine.
