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Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:51 pm
by Mo
Hi Guys!

Did the bent barrel idea actually work? I mean, wont the projectile damage the barrel and the point of bend?? I dont get it.

Also, Like CC mentioned, I dont think the Cornershot would be too practical with weapons that have heavy recoil. Wouldn't one end up with a twisted wrist?

Guess the optics is what helps the most..

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:57 pm
by cottage cheese
Mo";p="38918 wrote:Hi Guys!

Did the bent barrel idea actually work? I mean, wont the projectile damage the barrel and the point of bend?? I dont get it.
Hi Mo,

The bent barrel attachment's were made in several different curvatures- the extreme version being a 90ยบ one. This, for obvious reasons had a very limited life. The ballistics were also pretty bottom end.

The concept was called Krummlaufer Winkelschusser ("Bent Mover angle shooter" literally). MP38/40 SMGs and later MP44/StG44 Assault rifles had these fittings. Rather than for shooting around corners, it seems the angle attachments were developed primarily for armoured crew. Tanks like the Hetzer, JagdPanzer and other flat roofed models had several blind spots.

Soviet troops and partisans alike, 'specialized' in jumping atop tanks along the blind spots and made good use of Molotov cocktails. To counter this and also rather than developing an expensive and elaborate additional turret, the Germans developed ball mounts that freely swiveled along the arc that covered area of the blind spots. All the tank crew had to do was shove the bent barrel through the hole in the ball mount and shoot bursts. The bent barrel afforded a larger arc of fire without hogging too much space inside the cramped compartment. As mentioned earlier, the ballistics went to rats**t... but at less than 25yards (which was more than the range required) it proved to be fairly effective.

It also allowed a crew member to take potshots through a barely opened turret hatch.

It's certain many found their way outside the tanks, though how practical they may have been for infantry is open to question. I think very less.
Also, Like CC mentioned, I dont think the Cornershot would be too practical with weapons that have heavy recoil. Wouldn't one end up with a twisted wrist?
I know I sound very armchair commando-ish and somewhat judgmental(apologies), but the device, to me, represents the 'over-careful' school of tactical thought that has most western militaries and LE in its grip. I've read about a number of devices and contraptions that are largely impractical in the field.

Well, I'm merely speculating on the torque thingy :) I have no hands on experience with the device whatsoever. It could be, contrary to all our skepticism, quite effective. Nagarifle has valid points and like he says give it some years for the technology to mature- who knows then. I respect that because a soldier knows what he wants. Often its the non-soldiers who decide what the soldier should want!! :)


Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:28 pm
by nagarifle
i can not add any thing on the subject at the moment as C-C has already cover the angles, so lets wait and c in few years time.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:32 am
by Mo
Wow CC! Thanks Bro! That was a nice read! I can almost see a barrel snaking out of a turret hatch and pop some! Though I'm lost at how the contraption can be aimed even for close targets?!?

Nevertheless, that was some real nice info. Thanks for takin the time CC!

Nagarifle, I'm game. Lets wait n see what comes along!