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Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:28 pm
by kanwar76
Regarding the image of weight lifting euipments. May be big brother of one of these guys was using those :mrgreen:

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:46 pm
by pistolero
Hi Kanwar76,

Could be!! :mrgreen:

Would have loved to see someone using those clubs :mrgreen:

Thanks for the Pix, look forward to your contributions to this thread.


Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:08 pm
by pistolero
For the Final Section on the Arms and Armour of the Sikh Warrior we shall be covering the Tir & Kaman, I shall not be going into the Percussion Rifles on this thread. Hopefully soon I will be post on that in the Rifles section.

In the meanwhile, I would like to reach out to all the Archery Fans out there to help me with this thread, as this is an area of Weapons where im not well versed.

Contributions from you all will be highly appreciated, the meanwhile, at the risk of going OT Im posting some images of another era :D hopefully you all will like it :D

The Indian Room at the Buckingham Palace, all those white chairs are "said" to be made of Ivory

English Field Commander Roberts with his Sikh Guards

Painting of Maharaja Sher Singh holding a Khanda


Holkar Maharaj

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:12 am
by Sakobav
Adding to Kanwars point Check these gabroos of 2 Punjab Forntier force 1890

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:01 pm
by pistolero
The Guy on the left seems to be holding a very heavy club, if he can use that, Im sure there would be people around who could use the bigger clubs :D

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:56 pm
by kanwar76
ngrewal wrote:Adding to Kanwars point Check these gabroos of 2 Punjab Forntier force 1890
Whoa.. Now thats a Mugdar.

And peopke cast doubts on Baba Deep Singh's Khanda :roll:

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:16 pm
by James_Bond
Singh is KIng my dear. Singh and RAjput are the Warrior. They are the Marshal Communties. They live for honour and die for honour.

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:42 pm
by pistolero
Another Old Photo:

Rana of Jhalwar with his Entourage (Rana ji is in the center in white :D )


Ardh Chand

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:45 pm
by pistolero
Hi There!

As the last section on the Arms and Armour section is on Archery! I would like to request all the Archery aficionados out there to please provide us with some highlights on Indian Archery!

Look forward to your participation and comments on this section.

The Only other obvious weapon I have left out is the Lathi/Salotar Yudh.. again not an area of expertise, but Im sure there will be many in our Forum who can contribute to this section.

I do have some excellent videos on Salotar Yudh which I will post soon!

---Till the next time---


Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:51 am
by Sakobav
James_Bond wrote:Singh is KIng my dear. Singh and RAjput are the Warrior. They are the Marshal Communties. They live for honour and die for honour.
James this is a macho statement - Martial races was some thing british came up with to recruit cannon fodder forgot the marathas, Nairs, folks from east etc..bottom line communities stand up and fight for their rights whenever they are subjected to tyranny its a basic animal instinct we all possess all is hogwash..

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:51 am
by winnie_the_pooh
ngrewal wrote:
James_Bond wrote:Singh is KIng my dear. Singh and RAjput are the Warrior. They are the Marshal Communties. They live for honour and die for honour.
James this is a macho statement - Martial races was some thing british came up with to recruit cannon fodder forgot the marathas, Nairs, folks from east etc..bottom line communities stand up and fight for their rights whenever they are subjected to tyranny its a basic animal instinct we all possess all is hogwash..
I would add 'chauvinistic','inane' and 'ignorant' to 'macho'.Bond sahib,about the only sensible post you have made so far has been about the price of IOF 30-06 rifle in Punjab

ngrewal,Indian troops were not exactly canon fodder post the Crowns take over of Indian territories but they were paid less, received fewer facilities as compared to English troops and were armed with outdated firearms .The words 'Divide and Rule' comes to the mind more readily than 'canon fodder' when some one talks of martial races. That said,during the EIC's campaigns in India,the Indian troops were generally placed in a more vulnerable positions vis-a vis English troops.

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:13 pm
by Nihangsingh
My best regards pistolero,

i have been reading all the posts of this topic and have thanked you in some of them. believe me it has been the best informative topic with best of the best posts and contributions from you and various members that i have come across in IFG.
i donot know from where you have procured such a vast knowledge of Sikh Arms & Armour, but it was all very interesting and educative. i wish to thank you again for making this contribution.hope to see some more good stuff from you.

thanks and regards.

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:18 pm
by pistolero
Dear Nihang Singh,

I thank you for your kind words.

Arms & Armour have been a life long passion, and it is such a vast subject, that we have just touched the tip of the iceberg :) in this post.

I hope to continue learning and am looking forward to contributions from the forum.

I do plan to post further on this thread, however owing to pressing commitments at work, I have been unable to do so.

The next post will most probably be on the Dhal.

Keep checking in....


Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:36 pm
by Nihangsingh
pistolero wrote:Dear Nihang Singh,

I thank you for your kind words.

Arms & Armour have been a life long passion, and it is such a vast subject, that we have just touched the tip of the iceberg :) in this post.

I hope to continue learning and am looking forward to contributions from the forum.

I do plan to post further on this thread, however owing to pressing commitments at work, I have been unable to do so.

The next post will most probably be on the Dhal.

Keep checking in....

Brother even i have a natural attraction for arms. thanks for your reply. I am anxiously waiting for your post on DHAL. keep up the good work.

Re: Sikh Arms & Armour

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:49 pm
by pistolero
Dear All,

Im hoping to revive this discussion, I have been so caught up in work of late, that I have not been able to write. As was the original plan, Im starting out on the Dhal.

Please do provide your inputs, do post Photo's so that we can discuss the Dhal .
