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India's First Woman Wildlife Photographer!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:01 pm
by brihacharan
Delhi-based wildlife photographer RATHIKA RAMASAMY is an engineer and MBA. But her passion for clicking pictures led her to become India's First Female Wildlife Photographer.

This is her story!
RAJAJI, SARISKA, RANTHAMBORE became her second home, alongside the National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary, Corbett Tiger Reserve and many other protected areas.

When she goes out for a shoot, she normally spends a few days wandering in the animals' natural habitat simply observing how it is, what the dynamics of its ecosystem are and how her subjects fit in.

"When you take pictures of wildlife, there is no second shoot. Everything happens in a nanosecond, so you need to learn to predict the animals' movements by learning their habits," she continues.


"This is 70 per cent of the knowledge you are supposed to have and it comes from patience, observation and passion."
Technical knowledge follows as a consequence.
One can't but agree with her more :D

Re: India's First Woman Wildlife Photographer!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:13 pm
by dr.jayakumar
I just saw it on face book and there you are.nice timing.