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Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 6:59 am
by Mack The Knife
You are welcome, Grumpy.

Best you copy and paste it in a Word file as it may not stay up too long.

Mack The Knife

Re: Hunting in India

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 10:13 pm
by eljefe
Owning a weapon may not equate automatically with hunting-we all know that many collectors or even owners of a single weapon/family heirloom - dont know/care about field performances .
An entire generation in India has grown up without any LEGAL hunting and idea of what it means.The only exposure is the tabloids and TV blasting away 24/7 of deeds/ misdeeds, compounded by the " Rich&mighty CAN get away with anything" which had indeed proved true , until yesterdays court ruling in a 10 yr old rape case...
Add to this, the well heeled poacher gangs of spoilt rich brats, who go into the wilds with only ONE intention-to blast away at anything in sight-as a show of manhood-and you will have a dozen Kshatriyas in the making.I dont blame him for his anti hunting attitude-he is still a pro gunner and hope still beats ...
The detailed report by a very respected forest dept official is indeed eye opening and says a lot for the state of affairs.
Yes I am a pro gunner and have indulged in my share of blood sport - I was lucky to be working in S africa and could indulge in licenced sport.As I have mentioned before, I fully support the game management attitude as the ONLY means of sustaining wild life -the models have been successfully replicated in many countries and have proved to be the only way mankind can manage game conservation and ensure that species are preserved , while low life like sansarchand and his ilk are discouraged /obliterated with a very strong hand.
Hunting is as old as mankind , an atavastic urge, similar to procreation. Politicians, in their wisdom of converting India into a quasi soviet satellite-30 yrs on , our MBT is still taking shape... and a warped view on everything from human to animal control, imposed everything from emergency to forced sterilizations to pseudo hunting-shoot the animal-dont eat, but bury it-sorry I'm a hunter, not an executioner.If the people of India go out and vote, especially the normal citizen like us, we would get the rulers we deserve...Till then PETA rules.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:54 pm
by Mack The Knife
Well said, Asif. Take a bow.

Incidentally, a good friend of mine objected to me putting up Mr. Pabla's papers on the net because according to him they were not meant for the public domain. However, since I refused to delete the posts, he asked Mr. Pabla if it was okay for the papers to be featured on the net.

Here is Mr. Pabla's reply, "'papers are written for this purpose only."

Mr. Pabla, if you happen to read this, then our heartfelt thanks to you for your pragmatic approach to this subject. Further, we would be very happy if you would join this forum and advice on such subjects as and when they come up.

Mack The Knife

Re: Hunting in India

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:38 am
by Grumpy
Well done Mack The Knife. Mr Pablas` authoritive voice would be a welcome addition to this forums` membership. As I said, I`m grateful for the opportunity to view the full report.
Abhijeet, might it be possible to post the report under a dedicated heading so that reference may be made to it easily and whenever required ?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:01 am
by mundaire
Grumpy/ Mack The Knife,

I would be more than happy to add Mr. Pabla's report to the knowledge base as well as a "sticky post". As i's a major festival weekend - give me till Monday and it'll be done.


P.S. Mack The Knife - I am proceeding on the the basis of your post that Mr. Pabla (as the author and copyright holder) has no problems with this material staying up...

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:02 am
by eljefe
First I couldnt touch my toes, now I cant straighten up-Mack The Knife, next time, careful with your advice to an old man ;)Bow indeed!!

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:06 am
by eljefe
While we're going hammer and tongs at it, Kshatriya where are you? the fun will go on...get back in here mate. we should have an authentic and authoritative reference in Mr.Pabla's report.
Thank you indeed Mr.Pabla for the magnanimity

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:22 am
by mundaire

I couldn't agree more! I'd just like to paraphrase a quote I read somewhere - "people end up getting the leaders they deserve". Unless and until the vast majority in this country have an equal opportunity to acquire a quality education (and no - I don't mean just literacy), our lack of quality people in public life and the consequent problems will persist.

An educated electorate is a minimum requirement to ensure that democracy works in the way it was intended - that people can make an "informed choice". Choice without complete information and the knowledge to interpret that information is nothing but a stab in the dark.


Re: Hunting in India

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:28 am
by Grumpy
I`m here next to Asif, kneeling towards Messrs Pabla and Bana and mouthing `We`re not worthy` as we bow.
Rising is going to be a problem.....Asif obviously isn`t going to be much help and I`m a good bit older than he.
Thanks Aghijeet - very sensible idea.

Re: Hunting in India

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:22 am
by Mack The Knife
Grumpy, Asif, Abhijeet, will e-mail you the two papers - they are in format that makes the tables easier to read. If there is someone else who asked me for this and I have left out, please let me know.
P.S. Mack The Knife - I am proceeding on the the basis of your post that Mr. Pabla (as the author and copyright holder) has no problems with this material staying up...
Go right ahead, Abhijeet. I take full responsibility for this. Thanks.

Mack The Knife

Edit: E-mails sent.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:15 pm
by eljefe
That was a short skirmish people, knees and hallelujahs and all...
Can we keep this going?
Get Mr.Pabla in or talk to him or plan out something here, get him to speak- many many etc...

Re: Hunting in India

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:48 pm
by Mack The Knife
Mr. Pabla does not check get to check his e-mail on a daily basis. I have conveyed my thanks via my friend and have also requested him to advice us on IFG. Let's just leave it at that.
Can we keep this going?
The skirmish or the discussion?

Mack The Knife

Re: Hunting in India

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:41 am
by mehulkamdar
Mack The Knife,

Thanks to you and Sat for this fntastic feather in IFG's cap. And my grateful Sat Sri Akal to Dr Pabla for his very valuable piece.


Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:15 am
by eljefe
The discussion, obviously!

Re: Hunting in India

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:53 pm
by Mack The Knife
The discussion, obviously!
A thousand pardons, sahib! :wink: