1 year of a Rottweiler

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by airgun_novice » Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:38 pm

xl_target wrote:Guys take it easy.
A rabid dog being a threat to everyone around it, it absolutely has to be put down. No if, and or but about it. If the vet will not do it and there is no firearm available, one obviously would have to be up close to put it down. What are the options available to the responsible owner to put the dog down? Which would be more humane, especially if you have feelings for the animal? Stoning? Beating it with a Lahti?
Maybe decapitating it would be the least cruel and least painful method of putting the animal down if no other option is available. At least it would be quick and relatively painless for the animal.
How about a poison injection by a vet ? Or mixing of rat poison in milk mithai ? Just thinking of what I would have done. :-( Just reading a kid chopping off a dog's head in one swoop makes everything else on my body stand up; except the one thing I like to see standing...

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by goodboy_mentor » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:56 pm

Rat poison etc. give highly torturous death even to rats, it would be highly torturous for dog.
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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by Priyan » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:38 am

airgun_novice wrote:Priyan, You certainly have nerves of steel if you could chop the head off the dog when you were a kid. Hats off to you ! I could never find guts to do such a thing. :-(
This might feel like a gross thing to city-folks but it's not anything surprising here, mostly people beat rabid dogs with lathis till it dies, this is more brutal IMHO. I was raised in a semi-feral fashion so that type of things don't bother me, also slaughtering all those chickens, ducks and goats helped.
Moin. wrote:Priyan; how the hell did you have the heart to do something like that. That"s the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a very long time. I'm sure there was a more humane way to put your pet to sleep.
You'd do it too if the other option was beating it to death with lathis or to throw it in front of trucks. Speaking of the more human way, could you name it? The vet already refused to come. Anyway, I understand your dislike, we all have our unique point of view. Like I still can't make myself to slaughter a cow due to my beliefs but some guys do it without hesitation.
dev wrote:Maybe it wasn't a pet for Priyan. Wow, your cruelty levels is on par with a would be serial killer, if I were related to you, I would be very worried or have you institutionalized.
Dev not sure about the serial killer thing but if I were you I'd stay far away from a guy like me and especially try not to piss him off :D
Jokes aside, I understand your frustration but lemme explain, we raise goats for meat, and when we slaughter goat to sell mutton, a problem arises. As you may already know Muslims won't purchase the meat if it wasn't halal and Hindus won't purchase it if the meat was bleed, so being a good businessman (Like Yuri Orlov from Lord of War who sold UZIs to Muslims) to satisfy both I started chopping the head off instead of hanging it like others. That's how I got used to chopping heads of animals.
xl_target wrote:Guys take it easy.
A rabid dog being a threat to everyone around it, it absolutely has to be put down. No if, and or but about it. If the vet will not do it and there is no firearm available, one obviously would have to be up close to put it down. What are the options available to the responsible owner to put the dog down? Which would be more humane, especially if you have feelings for the animal? Stoning? Beating it with a Lahti?
Maybe decapitating it would be the least cruel and least painful method of putting the animal down if no other option is available. At least it would be quick and relatively painless for the animal.
drifter wrote:I agree with xl_target completely what does one do without many options when a dog is rabid. Priyan I thought you are still a kid, I remember reading your age in the profile as 18yrs, this incident must be recent.
Yeah, I'm around 18 and it happened around 5 or 6 years ago.
airgun_novice wrote: How about a poison injection by a vet ? Or mixing of rat poison in milk mithai ? Just thinking of what I would have done. :-( Just reading a kid chopping off a dog's head in one swoop makes everything else on my body stand up; except the one thing I like to see standing...
Well, if that thing is not standing up. You might wanna get checked by a doctor for ED :mrgreen:

Jokes aside, as I already mentioned, the vet refused to come. Also it'd require a vet with nerves filled with liquid nitrogen and a pair made out of steel to euthanize an unchained rabid dog. Speaking of the rat poison, it takes a long time to take effects and it'd be one messy job. Hell, the dog may not die upto a week and suffer a lot before death finally comes.

I'm still searching for the photos but having a hard time finding them, but I'm determined I'll find them at any cost.
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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by drifter » Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:36 am


I have read a lot of your posts and your views are very mature for your age.

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by dev » Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:43 am

And you Sir, have a wicked sense of humour. ;-)
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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by airgun_novice » Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:37 pm

Like I said Priyan you certainly have nerves of steel for a 12 year old to do that act. Those I lack. No need for me to see an ED (time-tested and proven ;-) ) - if you read my post again - "Just reading a kid chopping off a dog's head in one swoop..." and here we have a 12 year old doing it. But like you said, if that's how you were raised, we have to accept it. Voilence is a part and parcel of life; just when a particular type does not fit a profile usually seen, it's disturbing to a lot of people, veggies or non-veggies, village bums or city slickers alike. :-) Now if an adult man had done it it would not have caused such a reaction, though equally horrifying.

A couple of things though - One, when I cited "rat poison" it was meant to be an example. For all you know that rat poison would have cured the rabid dog! :-) In fact I know of one incident which I shall share next. The vet who refused to come could have guided you on other alternatives or other vets. BTW, an interesting fact came up with all those Ni, needles etc. that vets in feral background are also well-equipped. :-) Two, Irrespective of religious beliefs, very few chop off a dog's head or that of any family member for any humane reason. "Dog" is usually considered as a family member. (Quoting you - "... I had a dog too when I was a kid.")Now one would not chop off a quadraphlegic or total paralyzed guy citing "humane" reasons; why let that one suffer the pain and the shame?!

Killing an animal for food and as per religious injunctions is a different matter and am sure judging by the sensibility and maturity displayed in your mail, you would agree that those examples were uncalled for. :-) Anyway, thanks for sharing the brutal truth in India with rural or feral background with us city-slickers. :cheers:

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by airgun_novice » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:03 pm

Not wishing to bump the thread but here's the incident as was narrated by the dog's owner.

In 2000, we happened to visit a "boarding school" at Panchgani, a hill station in MH. The owners are friends of my uncle's and invited us over to their bungalow for evening snacks and chat. [Here I refrain from giving out his name or that of the school since some parts of a Hindi film were possibly shot there]. As soon as we entered, his Great Dane lumbered in. Seeing fear on my parents' and newly wedded wife's faces, the owner assured us that the Great Dane was in fact quite "small" (in age) and very docile and a great hit among the students. Mr Doggie Dog cast a look at about everyone and probably took a liking to my doggie-friendly smell and came on to me, put his paws on my thighs and brought his face up front and close to mine. So I patted it and that caused him to yawn. OK "yawn" is an understatement - it was more like Y-A-W-N. I suddenly became aware that the mouth was opened wider than my face! Anyway, after a while the owner narrated his story.

The students often took the Dane on a walk outside the school in the village and during one of the walks he came in contact with some village dogs and caught on an infection. That resulted in big blisters and boils all over its skin (form of rabies ?). When the boil would break open worms would crawl out and the whole sight was a ghastly one to behold. The dog moaned all the while and kept turning. The couple then took him to the vet who advised the dog to be put down. Though the man's a licensed gun owner and single shotgun shell could have put the Dane out of misery, he could not bear upon himself to shoot their "baby". So finally the man and the wife decided to poison the dog and let him sleep. Their vet helped them get the requisite "medicine" which they mixed in the dog's meal and fed him practically for a week. The Dane grew more and more silent over the week and the couple with heavy heart watched their baby be with itself. The vet who visited them once assured them that due to size, the Dane was taking a bit longer to go but that he definitely would before the week was up. After the week-ten days had passed they noticed that the Dane was becoming normal. His blisters went dry and the remaining boils also seem to "sit" somewhat. When the man cut open the boils skin he found dead and dried worms. So they cleaned the dog bathing him 3-4 times with disinfectants everyday and within a month his hair (fur ?) grew back and the Great Dane became healthy again - much to the surprise of the couple, their students and also the vet.

We happened to visit about a couple of months after the Great Dane had "fully recovered". That's a story of the greatness of the Great Dane. :-)

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by Priyan » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:44 pm

Most of the maggots I've encountered feeds on dead tissues only, probably the dog got some kind of necrosis related disease and the maggots were just feeding on the dead tissues. The poison maybe was not of fetal dose to the dog but was enough for the maggots.
http://blog.gundogdoc.com/?p=25 Maybe

My best guess would be Myiasis, it's not related to rabies. I've seen a stray dog with Myiasis and that's one of the most disgusting thing I've seen. I've removed maggots out of cattle suffering from foot rot but that wasn't as gross as the dog.

Again Rat poison can't cure rabies
Last edited by Priyan on Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by Priyan » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:49 pm

drifter wrote:Priyan,

I have read a lot of your posts and your views are very mature for your age.
Maybe side-effect of watching too many Mature rated films and playing video games :D
Last edited by Priyan on Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by essdee1972 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:58 pm

Priyan, I agree with you here. It might seem brutal, inhuman, (esp. to us city slickers) etc. to chop off a dog's head, particularly your own dog, but it must be seen in a similar light as shooting your best friend because he is badly hurt and you don't want him to be taken prisoner by the savage enemy and be tortured to death. My father-in-law, who was in Central Govt service in NE India, once reportedly shot his own dying dog (14 years with their family) with his service pistol.

Rabies is exceptionally painful for the afflicted animal. In fact, they bite because they are so frustrated with the pain. Can you imagine your throat paralysed, not able to swallow, not able to take out one, single sound, even a gasp? Unable to tell the world your excruciating pain? They called it hydrophobia earlier, because of not being able to swallow, the sufferer ran at the very sight of water. Imagine a poor defenceless dog in that situation!

Of course, since it is not able to swallow, the rat poison (or cyanide) idea is not feasible. Lethal injections might, but having certain body parts of steel does not save you from rabies once the dog gets its teeth in you - even if the saliva gets into you through nose (droplets you might breathe in), mouth (same as nose), wounds, etc., you are condemned to die exactly the same way (the vaccines, in our country............).

Since Priyan says that the dog did not attempt to bite him even in a rabid state, it is obvious that the dog was attached to him, which wouldn't have been possible without Priyan loving the dog in the first place!!

If you read (or watch) To Kill a Mockingbird, there's this scene in which Atticus Finch, normally a peace-loving character, shoots down a rabid dog.

Well, I might not be the proper person to comment on this - I support euthanasia.....

AGN, as Priyan says, maggots are not rabies, could have been myasis. Rabies has NO CURE!! Only vaccination can help. Hopefully! Earlier you used to get 14 injections in your tummy (lower abdomen, quite painful), today they give 6 or 7 in the arm. Dogs need to get shots every year. When I got the dog bite (I was trying to pick up a little puppy and didn't see the mum hanging around till she nipped me in the leg), I got all 14!!

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by drifter » Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:01 pm


If you were referring to me, I was not joking.


I think the problem nowdays is that man tends to equate pets as part of the family and give almost equal status.We have had pets at home all the time and I would like to belive that we have never given them equal status.

I remember watching an episode of the show The dog whisperer(Cesar Millan), the mother had a chihuahua which was possesive of its owner the lady and would snap at the son if he tried getting close to his mother they could not even sit next to each other. This caused a gap in their relationship between the mother and son. Cesar Millan was getting frustrated with the mother because she showed equal status to the dog and her son, it took a while before she understood and learnt to differentiate the status between a pet and son.


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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by vpsparihar » Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:24 pm

Lovely and cute puppy.......

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by airgun_novice » Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:34 pm

drifter/ priyan/ SD - Being real-time dog owners I guess gives the ability to differentiate. We have to take up tough calls at times. Anyway, priyan you did what you had to do and at the time. So be it.

If one can really keep the pet separated as a 'pet' it's a good thing; as good as 'niShkaam karm'. I used to get upset whenever my goldfish would die - I still fed the dead fish to the crow rather than throw into bin. (As Al Tennyson would say, "Nature red in tooth n claw; the word's Nature's Law.") Anyway, my aquarium is empty and dry since last couple of years. :-(

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by choombak » Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:58 pm

Wow! That boy is extremely handsome. Lovely, thanks for sharing - it made my day (well, actually it made my evening). :)

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Re: 1 year of a Rottweiler

Post by Nitro Express » Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:02 pm

Hello essdee1972,

Good Rottweiler.

I am taking the liberty of posting a video link of my extended family.I hope I am not hijacking the thread.

http://goodtimes.ndtv.com/video/videoli ... ge=52&id=0

Nitro Express

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