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Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:49 pm
by Oggie
Hello all from NZ. For a country that has perhaps one of the highest rates of firearms ownership we also have some of the lowest crime rates - especially firearm related. Our police are also unarmed and incidents of situations requiring armed intervention are rare though they do occur.

My question to members from India is:

Have any of you ever been in a situation where you have had to either reveal your firearm or engage it in self defense, defense of another person or property ? Would be great to hear some stories :)

Eagerly awaiting !


Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:49 pm
by MoA
Interesting question. Have you?

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:43 pm
by jonahpach
I have had to use my fathers 12 bore shotgun twice. First time was at the age of 14 when I had to end the life of my 9 year old siamese tomcat which had been greviously wounded by someone with an airgun. The second time was a little more serious incident at 16 when I was 'ordered' to shoot 2 palestenian students who had followed our two teenage southindian neighbours daughters from college.

The two girls came running into our house as their house was locked and they were frightened to death! We looked outside and could see the two palestenian students at our compound gates laughing, gesturing obscenely and making cat calls in their language. One look at them and my father ordered me to get the shotgun from his cupboard and shoot them! (You have to be in my shoes to know what this sounds like in the ears of a 16 year old!) Luckily for the bas @ # $ % S, Our gate was a good 50 yards from our front door and eventhough they had a hard time starting their Yezdi 250, I couldnt get close enough to fill them up with bird shot!

This happened in Poona in the late seventies and looking back I can still remember them frantically trying to start their bikes! They must have sh @ t in their pants! I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had managed to catch up with them... On the other hand I am also glad that even at 16, I had the sense to know that they were out of effective range and had the wisdom to not blast off at them with birdshot towards a busy mainroad.

The shotgun was a single barrel shotgun mail ordered from Kathua gun factory for a princely sum of Rs. 800/- Those were the days!

BTW. Those guys never bothered our friends again.


Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:09 pm
by kalashnikovcult
Jonah , you r lucky to have a father like him ! i salute him and please let him know about it that i am his fan. He is a real man !

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:59 pm
by Zake
That makes two of us !! WOW ! That is really something !


Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:11 am
by gverma
No but a metal punch yes...
this tale is around 7 years back when I had first started working it was 2003 and we had to pay to get trainings in IT.

Now i think it was my first or my second salary and I got somthing like 10K and I was with my GF in a garden... and some goons got a hint that I had some cache on me...

now ordinally i may have given it up but that day it was my hard earned money working 80+ hrs a week so i fought back... I had a metal punch which was given to me by a friend.. and to my surprise if you stand up to a goon they run away...

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:48 am
by timmy
This would depend on the way you are intending the word "use" to be taken.

There was an occasion when I am sure my having a handgun in a shoulder holster prominently displayed saved me from grief, yes.

But no, I have never unholstered or pointed a gun at any person.

I did have an overactive security guard point is .380 auto in my face -- this was a most disconcerting experience.

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:09 am
by Oggie
No MOA - thankfully I have never had to point or even disclose my firearm to anyone. Great story Jonah. Would love to hear some more :)

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:15 am
by Drunknhappy
I have had my own gf accidentally point a gun at me while we were out shooting at the range. It scared the hell out of me as it was loaded and her finger was in the trigger. :roll: After that I always made it a point to explain the rules of safe firearm handling before giving them the gun.

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:36 am
by gunnera4
well, that does call the question of how we'll define "use". i haven't had to shoot at anyone since i put tthe military life behind me but there have been a few incidents. one night i was out for a walk near my house when i came across a lone police officer dealing with a drunken punk, i paused to see how the cop was doing and noticed the drunk's friends looking like they were thinking of ganging up on the cop, so i brushed open my coat to show the holstered .45 and quietly said "stay out of it" and waited with the cop for the few minutes it took for back up to arrive. no big deal, no drama.

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:33 pm
by Sakobav
Drunknhappy wrote:I have had my own gf accidentally point a gun at me while we were out shooting at the range. It scared the hell out of me as it was loaded and her finger was in the trigger. :roll: After that I always made it a point to explain the rules of safe firearm handling before giving them the gun.
Saw a similar incident when a police trainee pointed his jammed Sterling 9mm sub machine gun at the instructor on the range. The officer calmly told him to take off the finger from the trigger point the gun at the target, put it down and step scene was three guys literally jumping and beating the trainee up and taught him the valuable lesson :D ...

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:11 pm
by Amit357
Saw a similar incident at a handgun training exercise,guy had an IOF 22 revolver and the bloody thing didnt fire,the trainee pointed the revolver towards the instructer and kept on sqeezing the trigger,saying "CHAL NAHIN REHE HAI SIR"Thank GOD for IOF Revolver and Ammo.Needless to the instructer and his buddies beat the shit out of the trainee but thats a diffrent issue altogether. ROTFL

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:07 pm
by prashantsingh
Very interesting question. My answer......By God's grace Never.......and hope I don't have to in the future.

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:45 pm
by Oggie
A long while ago while we were on a train travelling from Mumbai to Kolkata when I was just a little kid, while passing through Bihar a few thugs got onto the train and started teasing a few ladies. I remember my uncle reprimanding them only to be greeted by verbal hostilities threatening to escalate to physical violence. At that stage he whipped out his .32 revolver and a real sense of calm prevailed. The thugs got off at the next station after touching his feet and promising to be there in time rakhi next year ! Only later did he mention that the revolver was neither loaded or in working condition !

Re: Have you ever had to use a gun ?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:38 pm
by Big Gay Al
I did, once. I hope I never have to again.