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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:44 am
by jitu sati
will do sir. the SA ex is certainly helping. earlier i would shoot 87-90 one day and the next it would drop to 77. now atleast as i am paying attention to the SA it is steady between 87-90. i am sure with more steady hand (post reg ex to reduce the lateral mov) and higher % of SA it would be steady above 90. hope i am going in the right direction

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:54 am
by hvj1
Hi Jitu,
I request you to inform me after each session, your experience,so that I can give you hands on training on how you can use your diary. Also I want to know your % on SA daily, your analysis and your goal for next session. Allow me to guide you step by step. You are doing just fine! Keep it up, concentrate more on drills.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:44 pm
by jitu sati
todays session was really interesting. i had scheduled only tech trg( no active shooting) with an iaim of incr the SA%from 60 to 70atleast. while doing the SA ex suddenly felt that i was probably dipping the foresight when my wrist was locking. but this needed confirmation hence i took ten shots with the same stance and wrist position and i soon realised that what i was thinking as a correct SA was infact with dipped foressight. so 10 more shots were tried with foresight correctly in line with the backsight and for sure there was drastic change in the pattern I.e the shots came in a tight circle in the 8 ring atleast. but this i guess indicates that when i was doing my shooting the time i did not do the correct sight alignment the shots went out of the black as foresight was dipping.
now please advice how much lock i should get on my wrist as completely locking it tends to dip the foressight

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:11 pm
by hvj1
1. Please get your eyesight checked from a GOOD opthalmologist.
2. Try to adjust the grip so that the foresight goes up. Which means the grip shoul radially move outwards or towards you. This will automatically raise the foresight.
3. If this is not possible, then remove the foresight , take a shaving blade, cut a piece the width of the foresight (this is easier said than done). Use quickfix to stick the foresight and piece of blade such that the foresight is now extended upwards. Please make sure that the upper edge of the foresight is parrallel to the rear sight upper edges. This is a not too easy task, but if you are upto it then try it. Blacken the finished foresight using a cande flame. Allow the soot to deposit evenly.
I am saying this, because there should not be any compromise in wrist lock. The wrist lock must be such that it you have a cord tied around your shooting wrist then this cord (like a rakhi cord) must be at 90 degrees to the axis of your hand.
Please let me know.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:30 am
by jitu sati
can u throw some light on what exactly constitutes a wrist lock. may be i am not correctly doing it. does the wrist bend downwards in a wrist lock or does it get locked in posn wherein the axis of the forearm and the palm are in a single line
also why the suggestion for eye check. where would that contribute in the present problem. request clarify

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:10 am
by jitu sati
hey hvj wrist lock may seem like a absolute beginners question. but do answer the same as this may just be the reason why i have quite a wavering arm

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:49 pm
by hvj1
1.First and foremost, you have mentioned previously that you are not sure whether your Sight Alignment is correct or not, you know shots going in a straight line (horizontally). Hence , I feel that you should get your eyes checked.
2. the wrist lock is fairly simple, sit down, clench your fist , imagine that you are holding a pen or rod, within your fingers. then this pen/rod should make a 90 degree angle with the axis of your hand. By axis, I mean an imaginery line going through the bone of your forearm. Observe your wrist position, from the side (looking at middle digits of your fingers (clenched, with nails pressing down into your palm), also observe the wrist position from the top . the plane of the clenched fist should be in the same plane of your forehand.
3. Now the actual wrist lock is just holding this normal position and locking it by tightening the necessary muscles in such a way that the fist should not bend downwards when holding the pistol. The wrist lock should be apparent to you if yur are doing the fig. of 8 exercise correctly.
If you ar coming down to Pune, we can discuss the same in greater detail.
Hope the above was helpful.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:43 pm
by jitu sati
will check whether i am doing this wrist lock correctly. probably i was bending the wrist downwards to get a firm position. now let me try this straight position. may be the foresight will automatically stay up now. will let u know the result. what i meant by saying that i am not sure the SA is right is that when i was locking the wrist in my erstwhile bent down lock posn the foresight however i tried would go down wards than the rear sight. now that i will allow the wrist to be in a upright posn the problem should be solved.
with my focus on SA i am now realising that more i focus on the SA bit i am automatically not focusing on the tgt but on the sight. guess this should help. now while practicing i have started conc on the foresight as whenever i am able to do so along with the SA the shot invariably is good. need to however make a habit of this. as whenever i slacken the wrist bends downwards and automatically the shot goes low

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:37 pm
by hvj1
How many fig of 8s are you doing every day?

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:24 pm
by jitu sati
40 for both hands. but to be honest i have not been regular due to work commitments. i know that is bad. will try to incr it to 60 and be regular

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:40 pm
by jitu sati
hey hvj finally i think i got the wrist lock right. infact it is making the shooting better and comfortable. have started the 60 repetitions of figure 8 and hope to do them regularly. with the straight wrist lock as advised by u the shaking of the gun is really reduced and now if the wavering takes place it is with a loss of attention on my part and not due to bad holding. thx
will practice the figure 8 and SA for one week and then do the back to back session.will keep u updated after each session

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:58 am
by hvj1
Excellent Jitu, keep up the good work. Now tell me what is the % achieved for S.A. box drilling?

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:47 pm
by jitu sati
hey hvj
now finally have crossed 70% and close to 80%. thx to the correct grip.
but this regimen of 60 repetitions will it be painful initially. because after the last few 8s i feel slight pain in the shoulders. do let me know if it is natural or am i doing anything wrong.
furthermore one more query how long should one be able to hold this SA in real shooting. as i have seen that the shots which i complete in my usual sequence gen score well whereas if i try to hold the SA fore a few seconds longer the arm starts shaking and invariably it is a 7/8. when this happens would it be right to abort. how should one then do the time mgt of the 10 shots.meaning ideally how long should one take to take a shot. sorry as i am now feeling a bit of improvement there is a new josh to ask more /know more. i know u wont mind

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:50 am
by hvj1
now finally have crossed 70% and close to 80%. thx to the correct grip.
but this regimen of 60 repetitions will it be painful initially. because after the last few 8s i feel slight pain in the shoulders. do let me know if it is natural or am i doing anything wrong.
Yes, the fig.8 exercise, is extremely painful. You need to take adequate rest, how much rest you require is upto you, since you alone know the limits of your body. Please follow the routine given below;
Day 1: 40 reps.(fig.8)
Day 2: 60 reps
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Two sessions of 20 reps ne in the morning and the other in the evening: Check your body if there is pain, if there is pain then REST the next day.
Day 5: If no pain, then 40 reps.
Day 6: If pain persists then 40 reps., No pain then 60 reps.
Day 7: Rest.
Please start as mentioned above and inform me regarding training comfort, we will take it from there.
furthermore one more query how long should one be able to hold this SA in real shooting. as i have seen that the shots which i complete in my usual sequence gen score well whereas if i try to hold the SA fore a few seconds longer the arm starts shaking and invariably it is a 7/8. when this happens would it be right to
As mentioned before your shot must follow the steps given below;
1. Coming into aiming area and settling down not more than 3 seconds
2. Trigger second pull has already commenced even before you come into aiming area.
3. Shot takes place between 3 to 5 seconds.
4. Follow through 5-7 seconds.
5. If shot is not executed within 5 seconds, please abort/cancel, increase trigger 2nd pull, till you get the trigger rhythm correct.
how should one then do the time mgt of the 10 shots.meaning ideally how long should one take to take a shot. sorry as i am now feeling a bit of improvement there is a new josh to ask more /know more. i know u wont mind
I hope the above is sufficient food for thought, go slow and steady, I am with you all the way pardner and I am quite satisfied with your progress and diligence.

Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:45 am
by jitu sati
will start the fig 8s as per the schedule u have advised. iam already doing the abort procedure whenever i exceed my usual shot sequence by 2/3 sec. however then the worry remains that would i be able to complete the reqd shots within the stipulated time. hence the query of how much time one should ideally take for a shot totaly